Adventures with Stoney

THE BOOKS ARE IN.  Our first book, “The Great Snowy Owl Caper”, has officially arrived. Come join Stoney and the gang and be part of the adventure!

The cost of the book is $12.00, if I hand it to you and $15.00, if mailed.

To order Click Here or you may e-mail us at
Please make checks payable to Adirondack Raptors and mail them to
Mark Manske
61 Davidson Road
Dickinson Center, NY 12930

Online ordering:
Order On Amazon
Order on Barnes & Noble

Below is the video taken by Christopher Lenney of the Watertown Times.


Career with raptors inspires new book

To see the entire article, click here



Here is the synopsis…

A mysterious owl has suddenly appeared near the Malone International Airport.  Where did it come from?  How old is it?  Is it alone?  Biologist Marvin Stone (Stoney) and his friend Bill Short attempt to capture the elusive bird of prey to get some answers.  But it is when the crew at Sneaky Pete’s Diner contacts the authorities to investigate that the real adventure takes flight, leading Stoney and his friend on a journey they could have never have imagined.

Books can be found at…